Language Acquisition Lab
My lab examines children's syntactic and semantic development and learnability.
We emphasize experimental and corpus-based methods, as well as computational models.
Research Assistants
My team for the 2024-2025 academic year!
Past Research Assistants:
Aditi Koul (Pomona College)
Pine Netcharussaeng (Pomona College)
Amelia Poor (Pomona College)

Ongoing Projects
Word Learning- Adjectives: How do children learn adjectives like tough, delicious, happy, or pretty? In this research, we address this question by examining how structure and distributional information in the input supports successful acquisition of various classes of adjectives.
Language Modeling: In an extension of my word learning research with Forrest Davis (Colgate), we look at how cues that human learners rely on for learning may not be captured by language models and what this might tell us about acquisition.